Horizon Zero Dawn 2 - The new features that Guerrilla Games wants for the future

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, by Anthony

Released since not more than month, Horizon : Zero Dawn takes advantage of the craze around the first adventures of Aloy to already make talk about a sequel. If it is extremely rare to see developers approaching a sequel in the month following the release of a game, Guerrilla Games has not hesitated for a few weeks to speak clearly about Horizon Zero Dawn 2 (which may have another Name while keeping "Horizon 2" to disturb the players). Today, we propose you to discover what Mathijs de Jonge, director of Horizon Zero Dawn, wants to include in the series of events by an interview with Game Informer.

Horizon Zero Dawn 2 - Major innovations in thought

- Guerrilla wants to maintain the attachment to Aloy and her temperament/history

- Emotional attachment to Aloy will be even stronger

- All areas of Horizon 2 should be as enjoyable as each other (in terms of scenario and exploration)

- More machines and varieties of machines

- Aloy can carry and use more types of weapons

As you can see, Guerrilla Games already seems to have done a good brainstorming for Horizon 2, while also taking care of players feedback. For our part, we would really like the developers to retain such an exciting storyline by delivering the secrets of the world of Aloy in the same way, while perhaps insisting a little more on exploring the ruins of our past civilization of Horizon : Zero Dawn. In any case, the sequel seems to have gone even further, while retaining a very attractive Aloy.