Assassin's Creed III déjà patché une première fois !

, par la rédaction


Alors que c'était le cas également pour Medal of Honor : Warfighter il ya peu de temps, nous apprenons aujourd'hui que c'est Assassin's Creed III qui subira un patch dès sa sortie ! Et le peu que l'on puisse dire, c'est qu'il s'agit d'un très gros patch ! En effet, celui-ci contribuera à la correction de 44 bugs !




         Bug Fix


-Animus Synching tutorial, fixed an issue where the player could think he's stuck in an infinite loading when getting to Boston after the end credits

-Fixed a bug where counter-killing with the bow does not always work

-NPCs spawned too far away could end up being of the wrong type

-Camera could remain stuck after the player being respawned

-Player could remain stuck after diving from a waterfall

-Player could remain stuck if he exits a slopped hay stack at a certain angle

-Player would always get immediately detected when performing an unarmed stealth assassination in another guard's back

-Under rare circumstances, the crowd would stop spawning

-Fixed an animation glitch when interrupting the reception from high profile jump

-Fixed various occurrences of missing sounds

-In some cases, the Animus Database sound ambiance was not stopped when exiting

-Various stats and leaderboards were not showing up properly

-Online shop could sometimes appear empty if fetching the data from Xbox Live is taking too long

-Mission "RETURN TO ABSTERGO" - fixed a bug where the player would lose control over Desmond during a fight if he lures and kills some guards in the wrong area

-Mission "A DEADLY PERFORMANCE" - Mission would not continue if the player decides to climb The Wall instead of using the ladder

-Mission "JOHNSON'S ERRAND" - fixed a bug where the game would remain stuck if the player runs during the black screen that occurs after exiting the tavern

-Mission "THE SURGEON" - Charles Lee could fall in the water and die while following the player, causing the mission to fail, if the player decides to take a certain path that involves jumping over the water

-Mission "THE SURGEON" - fixed a bug where we would show the desync effect if the player throws one of the target in the water, even though the mission is not really failed

-Mission "WELCOME TO BOSTON" - The courier side-quest next to the general store would not start properly

-Mission "EXECUTION IS EVERYTHING", fixed a bug where the mission would not continue if the NPCs you are eavesdropping react to a dead body

-Mission "THE BRADDOCK EXPEDITION" - Mission would not continue if the player kills all enemies in the camp, killing the required target last, without triggering open conflict

-Mission "FEATHERS AND TREES" - NPC's would not detect beams properly, preventing them from performing the trunk around move

-Mission "FEATHERS AND TREES" - Mission would not continue if the player doesn't follow the expected path

-Mission "HUNTING LESSONS" - Mission Giver could not be there if the player goes away and comes back

-Mission "SOMETHING TO REMEMBER", fixed a bug where the screen could become all white or black for the remainder of the mission if the player set his brightness option to anything else than the default value

-Mission "ON JOHNSON'S TRAIL", fixed a bug that could cause the optional objective "Use powder kegs to destroy smuggled cargo" to not be saved properly if the player reloads during the mission

-Mission "THE TEA PARTY'' - Optional objective "Dump crates of tea in the water" could not be completed if the player threw all crates before having killed all guards

-Mission "THE MIDNIGHT RIDE" - Mission could not be completed if the player interacts with the delivery quest giver along the way

-Mission "BRIDEWELL PRISON", Player could remain stuck prison cells

-Mission "PUBLIC EXECUTION" - Crowd NPCs could be spawned in or walk through a cart during a cinematic

-Mission "SOMETHING ON THE SIDE" - Optional objective "Perform a successful static eavesdrop" could not be completed.

-Mission "MISSING SUPPLIES" - Optional objective "Do not hide in the hay cart while following the convoy" not being saved properly if the game is reloaded during second part of the mission


         Crash Fix


-Possible crash that could happen if the player blends in a crowd group where some NPCs haven't spawned yet, and while blended performs a kill.

-Possible crash that could happen if the player triggered a loading while being in a covert escort formation with his brotherhood trainees

-Possble crash that could happen when calling a brotherhood trainee with the snipe ability


         Naval Mission


-"OAK ISLAND" - Player could pass through the ground when diving into the cave

-"OAK ISLAND" - Wolves could stop attacking the player and remain stuck

-Possible crash if the player spams the swivel guns with the semi-automatic cheat enabled




-Mission "HAPPY EXPECTATIONS" - Game could remain stuck on a white screen when starting the mission

-On the Homestead, fixed a bug where the player could remain stuck if he performs a corner pose on the left side of Norris' cave's entrance


         Side Quest


-Brawler Challenges 3 - Task "Own every weapon available in the stores" would not complete when the player expects it to.

-Fort Monmouth and Fort Division - Quest objectives would fail too early without the fort resetting properly

-New York delivery mission - Game asked for a different item (deer heart) than what was showed to the player (venison)

-New York Liberation Missions - Possible that the game would wrongly display that 2 of the districts were completely liberated when it's not the case yet.